Lauren Dragun

Jun 16, 20212 min

Celebrate World Refill Day

Through my work, I learned about World Refill Day, which is today! So I thought it was appropriate to encourage you all to refill today and every day. The charity behind this day is City to Sea, and they have played a major role in eliminating plastic and encouraging reuse abroad. They've gone so far as to launch an app detailing different places to refill and reuse. You should check out this article for a brief overview and history: So now how can you celebrate?

Actions to Take

While it's important to demand action from our leaders and large corporations, it's important to do what you can in your everyday life as well. There's no harm in refilling what you already have and own, so why would you keep buying something that's destroying our planet?

  1. Reach out to the government and businesses expressing your opinion and letting them know that you want to see reuse mandated and single-use plastic usage decrease.

  2. Keep jars you already have and reuse them for sauces, seasoning, and other bulk goods.

  3. Clean out your candle jars and use them to refill anything or use them for decor instead of buying new containers.

  4. Of course, use your reusable takeout containers, cups, and water bottles.

  5. Make coffee or tea at home instead of going out OR if you're able to bring your refillable cup to a coffee shop!

  6. Take advantage of the bulk goods section in your local grocery store if you have one.

Businesses to Support

According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, it's important to support companies implementing reuse into their supply chain because only 2% of companies have reusable packaging. I think we would all love to see reuse on a larger scale and become affordable. However, this will take time, and people willing to show their support in the early stages.

  1. Loop and Loop x Ulta Beauty :) I love my reusable goods from both Loop and Loop x Ulta Beauty. They have an exciting business model, and I think you should check them out.

  2. Good Bottle Refill Shop (if you're in the NJ area) or any refill shop local to you. They also ship some products nationwide.

  3. Dry Goods Refillery is located in the same area as Good Bottle, so it's a two for one!

  4. Earth Hero has products that can be refilled through manufacturers (Plaine Products) and refill packs for other products. Shop using my affiliate link here.

  5. Grove Collaborative doesn't refill for you, but they sell aluminum refills for cleaners and handsoaps; that way, you can refill your existing packaging. They also sell concentrates that you mix with water to eliminate packaging and encourage reuse.

Resources to Investigate

Knowledge is power, and I think it's important to understand for yourself why you should do something, especially something that changes your behavior. So I'm going to share only a few resources to look into and encourage you to share more in the comments!

  1. Facts and Statistics


    2. 100+ facts and stats here

  2. EPA statement

  3. Read The Future of Packaging by Tom Szaky

  4. Watch The Plastic Problem

  5. Or if you'd like something a little shorter here, you go ;)
